for the 2023 season
Dedicated team
Our guides are ready to take you on a delightful adventure! With their exceptional knowledge and welcoming vibes, your visit promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with unique rewards.
Rapid Lake provides air services to reach fishing, photo, and hiking expeditions.
We use helicopters and float planes to ensure safe transportation in the northern weather.
You will find all the necessary amenities and private rooms with two beds each. We are far from everything but at the door of paradise. The cuisine is tasty, generous, and authentic, whether smoked, grilled, or braised.
Embark on a journey through the great outdoors and discover all that nature has to offer.
At the start of the year, a time of best wishes, we wanted to make one that many of you expressed: the reopening of Rapid Lake Lodge in Nunavik for the 2023 season.After three years of forced closure, our team of guides continued to explore this immense territory with its unique richness, and we made some remarkable discoveries.This season we have developed two unique programs to meet your wildest desires, fishing dreams, and photo treks.
August-septembre 2023
Fly Fishing Adventure, Multi-Species
Program for those who want to experience the Tulunic River more broadly. Going down the river in a "pontoon" and dropping off in a seaplane will allow you to explore the most beautiful areas where Arctic char, brook trout, large whitefish and Touladi will not fail to surprise you.

August-septembre 2023
Special Helico Adventure, arctic char and polar bear
The program is intended for arctic char aficionados who wish to discover the best rivers at the best times during six days of fishing thanks to the most suitable means of transport, the helicopter. And daily rotations from Inukshuk lodge, ideally located to discover the Tulunic, Sapukait, and Baudoncourt rivers, their tributaries, and many others.

August-septembre 2023
Wonders of the Golden Peninsula
Subarctic oases in the heart of the Nunavik Tundra, illuminated by the Northern Lights, crossed by our famous rivers, and located near the most beautiful attractions of Nunavik. Sport and sustainable salmonid fishing, safari-photography, and trek to discover the unique fauna and flora, the incredible and ancestral Inuit culture: walk, fly, drift boat according to your desires, we offer you an intense immersion through the beauties of the Far North, a fascinating constellation of territories from which you will return forever amazed.